Many talk about what it means to be a leader, some from theoretical knowledge, but with the mistaken idea that a leader is “strong,” authoritarian, arrogant, gives orders, and knows little or nothing about their team.

No, true leaders are formed through experience, their ability to make decisions, make mistakes, acknowledge them, and guide the new route. Leadership is not limited to the office or managing a team; it is a skill that extends to all aspects of life, including the home. Being a leader at home, for example, also involves making tough decisions, creating a supportive environment, and being a role model for family members—the same responsibilities you must assume as a CEO of a company.

Do you want to know what characteristics a good leader has? I’ll share some points that I believe are fundamental for anyone exercising leadership in any aspect of life.

Besides being fair, resilient, delegating, and adapting… What must a leader have?

Consistency, Being Genuine

A consistent leader is one whose actions reflect their words. Great leaders like Napoleon Bonaparte, Mahatma Gandhi, and Nelson Mandela led by example. Consistency creates a predictable and safe environment, where those around you know what to expect and understand the consequences of their actions. This translates into a better relationship with them, based on trust and mutual respect.

Effective Communication and the Art of Correction

As a leader, how we correct is as important as the correction itself. In the family sphere, it is essential to correct constructively and privately. A useful method is the “sandwich method,” which involves saying something positive, followed by the problem, and then closing with another positive note.

Making Difficult Decisions

One of the most challenging aspects of leadership is making unpopular but necessary decisions. Leaders and good managers are responsible for making decisions. Good leaders make the right decisions, not necessarily the most popular ones.

Empathy and Understanding

Empathy is another crucial skill for a leader. Understanding and putting oneself in others’ shoes allows for fairer and more balanced decisions. This means actively listening and considering their feelings and perspectives before judging or reacting.


A leader must have a clear vision of the future and the ability to inspire others to work towards that goal. This vision provides direction and purpose, motivating people to achieve their goals.

¿Qué hace a un líder?

Inspiration and Motivation

As a leader, it is vital to project optimism and enthusiasm, even in difficult times. Being a source of inspiration for your team helps them develop a positive and resilient attitude. This is achieved through example and constant communication.

Participation and Commitment

Involving your team in decision-making and business responsibilities fosters a sense of belonging and co-responsibility. This collaborative approach promotes teamwork and unity.

Considering these key points, I want to answer a question I was asked recently in an interview: Is Maripily a leader?

In Puerto Rico, there is a trending topic: Maripily. Several of you have asked me what I think about her and if she has what it takes to be a leader, so I will tell you what I think.

First, for those who don’t know her, Maripily Rivera is a well-known Puerto Rican model and entrepreneur. She caused a stir with her actions in the reality show La Casa de los Famosos. She generated a lot of buzz and emerged victorious.

What do I see in a woman like Maripily?

So I can tell you that she is an undeniable leader, an honest, strong, consistent woman who leaves a mark.

And you, do you have what it takes to be a leader in your life?
